Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tread Carefully


How many club members out there can identify the most important part of all our gym gear? Is it the weight belt? Is it the gloves? Is it our clothing or attire? Now, as a Certified Trainer with over 24 years experience, you would think that I would know the answer… right?

Well, I found out the answer – the hard way! You see, back during the holidays I decided I wanted to switch out my old sneakers for new ones. New sneakers always feel good, look good, and can rejuvenate us, per se. “The new sneakers will probably help me out in the gym, too!” I thought to myself.
So, off to my work out I went. That day’s workout was centered on legs and lower body. As I began to warm up and stretch out, I felt that something was different. I didn’t feel my usual self. My first thought was that I was tired or just not focused. I shrugged it off and was determined to concentrate and find a way to make it all work and have a good workout.
Behind Neck Squats
Image Credit:

I began my first set of Behind Neck Squats. Again, I felt that something was not right. First of all, I felt off balance when I lowered my body into the squat position. Second, my feet would not plant properly on the floor thus making my form incorrect and causing me to overcompensate with my movement execution. My usual balanced even-flow squat was now being performed gingerly and with hesitation. I did more shifting off my feet, stopping and interrupting my set with attempts to find the form, and feeling my body was accustomed to.
Needless to say, my workout suffered and the end result was sore, achy knees and a wrenched back along with my ego being crushed as I came nowhere close to moving the weight poundage I usually do. I left the gym, thought swimming in my head. “Was it a lack of sleep?” Was it tightness in my lower body that caused me to have such a disappointing workout?”
I told myself, “I will do better next time, definitely a fluke”. Believe it or not, I would experience the same failures and frustration for another 6 weeks! Then, almost by accident, I figured out why these inadequacies in my workouts were happening. One day, I was running late and in a rush. I couldn’t find my new sneakers. I decided to just put my old ones on and I figured one day in the old sneakers couldn’t kill me. As I put on my old sneakers, I felt like Cinderella when she put on the glass slippers and meets her prince! It was an epiphany!

It then dawned on me why my workouts had been so disconcerting and unusually mediocre. I was excited and anxious to get to the gym and see if my thinking was right. When I got to the gym, I decided to give the Behind Neck Squats a go and see what happened.

Sure enough, my stability, my ability to move, and my ability to execute the exercise had returned. Additionally, my focus and concentration was back. I felt right. I felt strong. I felt confident. And why? Because of my footwear!

I never realized how much footwear could impact and affect our bodies and the ability to perform lower body exercises, as well as other exercises. My improper footwear caused myriad issues that resulted in a losing situation.